

Enrico Traby is visiting from Austria and attending the EDF Jet Jam event in Elizabeth, Indiana with his Electra ARF and eBandit.



Another Electra, the best EDF on the market. 10s with a 9er easy go to the field fun fly hands down. Thanks to you Rob and Mike Sarysz.

Jose M. Martinez


Electra X and the spirit of Bob Violett

The Spirit of Bob lives on...His Electra X flies again.

It's somehow hard for me where to begin. I don't know if some of you can relate to my thoughts and emotions when it comes to our beautiful hobby.

I got to know Bob a long time ago. It was even when ducted Fan engines were popular. I got a chance to visit his factory and since then BVM was a part of my life. The fact that it was not cheap to buy his models motivated me even more to develop more skills and knowledge about flying and building. Another reason for me to stick with the brand was how welcome I always was and being even able to spend some private time with him and his family.
In 2008 I got the chance to go to Ejets with him and we had a great time attending the event and doing speed runs together. After coming back from this meeting he offered me to become a rep for Europe and the electric stuff which was growing really fast. I remember that moment as if it was yesterday,
I was so surprised and so happy that it was hard for me to keep my tears from joy and my heart was racing.
He just looked at me and said "you're a great guy and you deserve it" What an honor for me it is to represent one of the biggest Brands on earth in the model industry. Even if I couldn't be in the States as much as I wanted, I love to market the brand all over Europe. Believe me! there are a lot of guys walking over to me to see our planes fly.
In 2020 I got another chance to spend some time with him at the factory. Not being in his best shape he was still present and I took advantage of it and asked if I may buy his Electra X which is the only one on the planet. I thought he might say that he will think about it and get back to me. He looked at me, smiled and said " yes you can have it, it is in good hands with you".
Coming back to the States in mid of August this year, I was finally able to take it back to Europe. I was desperate to get it back in the air as soon as possible.  Owning an Electra already, I was confident that this is one is going to be special. The way it performs and how silent and efficient it is , it's Bobs signature.
I can just say what an honor to fly and own this piece of engineering while having Bob in my mind and keeping his spirit alive. Thank you , for all the great times I could spend with you and the trust you gave me to represent our BVM brand proudly.

Enrico Traby



Danny Serrato recently attended the BIG JOLT II event in Chino, California with his BVM Electra and eBandit evo. He walked away with the "Speed Contest Winner" award. Congratulations Danny!



Team BVM,

My local club in PA hosted a demo promoting STEM programs and aviation for the local Boy Scouts and I did a demo with my OLD BVM Electra and the kids were amazed! Afterwards I was able to show them the jet up close and it was a real hit! My Electra is finishing its 12th flying season and has over 1,500 flights! Great jet still and super happy to still be representing such a great company!



Steve DiMaio



From: Michael Cramer
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2021 10:57 AM
To: Patty
Subject: 400 Flights

I thought I would send you a couple pictures of my “Kit Built Version” Electra after its 400th flight. It still looks and flies great with a 10s seven blade BVM fan. Thanks for the great design and support.

Mike Cramer

EDF Jet Jam's "Sport Jet Flight Award" went to Terry Nitsch with his Classic BVM Electra.

Congratulations Terry!




From: Mike Kelley
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 8:45 PM
Subject: Electra pics


Just wanted to send you a few pictures of my Electra that I got from Harold Little here in Monroe, NC. This is my first composite jet and it flies great!!

Mike Kelley


Daniel Serrato from California with his Electra ARF. 
This Electra is running on a EVF 12s 9er Fan Unit and a Spektrum DX18.



From: Marshal Emmendorfer
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020 9:49 PM
To: Patty
Subject: Electra

Got the Electra in the air today. Flies as good as my old one did. It is my favorite jet.




From: Mike Kelley
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2020 4:50 PM
Subject: Electra

Good morning!
I just wanted to take a minute and share with you the pic of my new-to-me Electra that I purchased from a good friend Harold Little here in NC. He is a longtime builder and advocate for BVM jets and is a great asset to the hobby. It is equipped with a 10s system and newly installed Cortex Pro... your team pilot David Warr has been a tremendous help at our local club, always willing to lend a hand helping to us “newbie” jet guys along. Looking forward to the maiden this week.

Mike Kelley
Marshville, NC

Hi Guys,

At Georgia I also remaidened my, new to me, Electra that was owned by long time BVM customer Dee Miller who suddenly and sadly passed away a couple of months ago. I was blessed to be able to acquire the Jet with Frank Tiano’s assistance and then Rob, Kirby, BV and Rod Snyder all jumped in to help get it flight ready again.

It’s my first real EDF and love the power of the 12S power unit. It’s old school, wood wings and flies like a dream!

Boli Muentes



Here are some pictures of the EDF Meeting in Germany Schwandorf.

It is always a pleasure to attend the event since the flying site and people are just amazing. This time I took the "Cat " with me and wanted to share some pictures. The setup is EVF 14s 6500. The vertical is unlimited and people always walk over and ask: " What is that ??" There is still a lot to do in Europe to introduce full flow ducts and speedy planes. Harald is my Electra brother now. He got the hand on Ralf Dvorak's Electra. He really performed outstanding with an 11s setup. We are working on a formation flying routine for some events in the upcoming season.

Enrico Traby
BVM Team Representative


Dear Heather,
Here are some pictures of my BVM Electra. Flies fantastic and have a great flight envelope. Powered by EVF 3 12S EDF unit.

All the best from Sweden


Hi Patty,

As promised some Hot Shots of my new Race Cat. Some clicks to trim it and enjoy that the Electra Experience from the first flight. I love your products. The whole idea started 3 years ago and became reality to have an Electra in a F1 Jaguar Scheme. Thanks to Daniel Hirscher who did an incredible Job to paint it .


BVM attended Georgia Jets September 24 - 27. The on and off again rain showers interfered with efforts to photo planes and people. Steve Homenda did contribute this picture of himself and his BVM EVF 10S powered Electra - Steve won the "Best Electric Performance Award".

Don DeSandre and BV were flying Electra's at "First In Flight". Don's model is an Electra ARF with EVF 12S power.  BV's is from an 8 year old original kit with EVF ~2~ 12S 9er power. They match the performance of many turbine models at 160-170 mph.

From: Michael Murphy
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 10:45 PM
To: heather@bvmjets.com
Subject: Electra Maiden


  Thanks to BVM Jets for the fast shipping and responsive customer support. The plane arrived in pristine condition and the instructions and plans are very detailed. I was able to fly the jet for the first time today with the help of Steve Dimaio. Steve did the maiden and dialed everything in, so all I had to do was concentrate on flying. The jet flies as great as it looks. I can’t wait to fly it again. 

Mike Murphy
Grass Valley, CA

Hi Guys !
'Just wanted to share some pictures of my Electra kit. I bought it finished and it had a different kind of fan installed. I installed my EVF2 "R " on 12 s and needed to adjust the battery and fan mounts. We had a telemetry speed sensor installed which showed over 200 mph in level flight. This picture was taken just before the first flight. Like always, just fly and enjoy. The paint scheme is borrowed from the "Ultra" as you can see.


From: Steve Homenda
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 5:51 PM
To: modelers@bvmjets.com
Subject: Electra maiden flight

Maiden flight of my BVM Electra occurred on 6/29/14 at RCACF following a 4 month spare time build. With Bob at my side, aircraft flew as advertised.  Rock solid full flap approach and full stop landing. Great!  Needs a few minor adjustments after which it will be a frequent sight at the field.

Steve Homenda

From: Kirk Jensen
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 9:24 AM
To: Patty
Subject: pics

A guy got a few action shots at Fort Bend Jets a couple weekends ago, see attached.


Kirk Jensen

From: Bob Belluomini
To: Patty
Subject: Fred Tissot

Hi Patty,
  I want to share this photo of Fred standing with his recently completed and test flown Electra Jet.  I have been working with Fred since August.  What you may not know is that shortly after I called Fred in early June, he fell and broke his hip.  Fred did not let this stop him from finishing his model as soon as the doctor cleared him to be up and about.  To date we have made 6 flights on Fred's Electra. Fred has flown the model three of those times and it is his inspiration!  I really enjoyed helping him. Fred's Electra is powered by an EVF ~3~ 12S and utilizes E-Blue Retracts.

Best regards,
Bob Belluomini


From: Kirk Jensen
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2014 9:30 AM
To: Patty
Subject: New Stuff In The Air

Hi Patty,

Thought I would send a couple pics of the new planes. Put the first flight on the Ultra last weekend, and the Electra has about 20 flights on it. As usual they both are great! The Ultra has a P200SX, and both are flying with JR DMSS 2.4 with telemetry.

Kirk Jensen

From: Jack Fetter
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 8:11 PM
To: Bob Violett
Cc: Heather (BVMJets)
Subject: Photo for web site...


Hope you are doing well and getting a lot of flying time in! I thought I’d send you this great in-flight photo of Rob Lynch’s Electra from      E-Week 2013 (doing a low, low pass!). On the drive up to Triple Tree, we were trying to put a number on the flights this early Electra ARF has seen, our estimates put it somewhere near 3,000 flights. This really says a lot about your product for sure as Rob was flying the heck out of it as always and ripping it up @ E-week with 200+ MPH passes all week long with no issues at all! If you decide to use the photo for the web site, please credit the photographer, Bill Lubkemann…

Jack Fetter

From: Ritch
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 11:48 AM
To: Patty
Subject: Flying at Markham Park

Hi Patty,

I'm sending this photo of Rick Chase and myself with our FLY NAVY paint  schemes. Rick is flying his new Bandit arf MARK II and I’m flying an Electra "T" powered with a P-60. Both jets are flying awesome like all BVM products do.


Ritchie Holt

From: Jack Fetter
To: Bob Violett
Cc: Patty Generali
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 9:43 PM
Subject: SPAM-LOW: BVM Electra, it doesn't get any better! 


I just wanted to take a minute to thank you and the BVM team for building what is easily the best flying sport jet on the planet! This is my second Electra and there is simply nothing I can find negative to say about this plane. Excellent design, superior quality and technical execution all come together for a 200 MPH electric jet that fits in the back of my SUV (with the wings on), nothing short of awesome. I’ve been flying with the new Thunder Power 70C G8 7700 mAh packs (only 8.25 ounces heavier AUW versus the 6600 mAh packs) and logging 8 minute flight times, what a great setup. You guys should be very proud of your products, there’s nothing out there that can match what you guys have created, perfection ;-)

As always, thanks for the great products and support, hopefully I’ll be seeing you guys at a show soon…

Jack Fetter


From: Gonzalo Martinez 
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:04 PM
To: Dustin Buescher
Subject: Gonzalo's new Electra in Northern California

Hi Dustin,

Just to let you know we maidened my new Electra with Jack Gerardo Diaz and OMG! AMAZING! pure flying. I got on it the DX 18 with telemetry and on the GPS we got 182mph without event pushing! Woooowwww!!!! 

Love it love it!!! A few pictures for you!

Thank you so much for bringing such an amazing product!


The 03 "buzz" number on the nose and tail identifies this Electra kit built 7 years ago.  The "F" on the Fin identifies its owner
 as Bob Fiorenze.

The power unit is an early EVF 5012 and is still performing quite impressively as a 10S system utilizing the latest Thunder Power 70C 6600 mAh batteries.

Here, Fio's Electra is being charged for another flying session at R.C.A.C.F..  A 10 cell power system can be a combination of (2) 4S and (1) 2S packs or preferred (2) 5S (6600 mAh) pack.

From: Steven Dimaio
To: Patty
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:13 PM
Subject: BVM Electra

Dear BVM Staff,

Found a picture from this past April after I maidened my new BVM Electra. It is a pleasure to fly such an amazingly well engineered product like this. Thank you for all you do for this sport and I can not wait to see everyone again at some of next year's events!

Lt Steven DiMaio, USAF
Grand Forks AFB, ND

From: Cesar Quero
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 6:17 PM
Subject: Pics of Electra

Good Morning, Patty

  I am sending a picture of my Electra, I am using a 12s EVF, charging with CellPro Lab8, and Thunder Power batts, the performance of the package is excellent, I am now converting my F-86 AFS to EVF power, talk to you soon about it. Thanks again to you and the crew at BVM.

Cesar Quero


  I just put the maiden flight on the Electra and all I have to say is WOW!!!

  It only needed 2 clicks of aileron and no weight added as I built it per the manual. I went the All Electric route ( E-gear and E-Brake) and the fact that I can throw this in the truck, to the local flying field, with limited support equipment is what it's all about for me.

  Your staff is second to none, Patty, Heather and Dustin are always there to answer any questions I needed, and are always available to get the parts I need out very quickly. I do Have to tip my hat to Harley Condra. He has helped me every step of the way on 2 builds. He is a Saint to put up with someone like me. People like this is why I will always have a BVM in my fleet. I look forward to doing a Bandit this winter. Thanks again for such a great flying jet..

Erik Kirste

Dan Davis just completed his first flight on his EVF powered Electra. Successful of course!

From: Gregg Fullington
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 1:08 AM
To: Heather (BVMJets)
Cc: Walter Hess
Subject: Electra maiden

Hi Heather:

      Walter Hess flew the maiden flight on his Electra March 11, 2011.We were impressed that absolutely NO trim was needed! He was all smiles during the flight, enjoying the wide speed range it has. Power is the 10 cell EVF2 using Thunder Power 65c packs.

 Best regards
Gregg Fullington

This gorgeous Blue Angle Electra is proudly owned by Mark Edwards PhD.  Mark started with a BVM Electra kit and meticulously hand crafted the airframe and paint job with a little counsel from Bob Fiorenze and B.V.  Dustin helped with a perfectly executed first flight on EVF 10S and ThunderPower 65C 5300mAh batteries.  A one of a kind Electra!  Markings and paint masks are from ProMark.


From: GRais
Date: February 4, 2011 12:18:52 PM EST
To: Dustin
Electra pics

Hi Bob and Dustin,
   Enclosed are a few pics of my Electra that I just maidens last weekend. As you know this is the plane that I bought partially started from Lee Andersen. Let me say that the caliber of the work he had done reflects the abilities of a true craftsman. With Lee being the design force behind the VioFan no wonder it is such a superb powerplant.  I have built a few BVM kits and while they have all been great kits to build I must say that this kit was the most well engineered and designed kit I have EVER built. A pure joy to build.
    The plane is also fantastic to fly with no bad habits. Smooth, precise and well mannered.  She is built exactly per plans. 15.7 pounds ready to fly with batteries.  Powered by a VioFan-2- with 12S ThunderPower batteries. All JR equipment. I added a set of Maverick durostruts to the mains with V-lite wheels and brakes.  She is painted with auto lacquer with a few Pro-Mark 3D panels for accent. I tried to keep weight  down and felt that she came out with a minimum of fat. Each wing panel only gained 1.9 Ozs from bare balsa to final paint. 

Thanks for this GREAT aircraft.  
Scott Rais
PS enclosed also is a picture of Doug Andersons Electra and mine together.

From: Sam Wright
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 10:12 AM
To: Heather (BVMJets)
Subject: Electra Photos


  I attached hi-res photos of Ken “Wags” Wagner with the Electra jet. Shot at sunset at the Chino Airport.



From: Sam Wright
To: Bob
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:41 AM
Wags Electra


Ken Wagner loves this Electra and I do to.  Flies really well.

Sam Wright

From: Jose Martinez
To: Bob
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 10:04 PM
Subject: Electra Finally

Bob you talked me into buying an Electra 2 years ago after you helped me fly my viper conversion. This weekend Rob was there to help me through my first flight on the Electra. 

So were you right about getting the Electra?.... ABSOLUTELY!

Even though the Viper was an incredibility smooth and stable plane the Electra not only has those characteristics but a much wider flight envelope, fantastic confidence inspiring jet.

Sorry it took so long to build it but I had to take 2 years off for personal issues. In addition also would not call my self a modeling craftsman so it went slow, but I followed the manual and everything fit perfectly. Hope you like my custom snow camo scheme pictures were taken by Jack Fetter.  Your company support and field reps are unmatched BAR NONE......GREAT WORK BV!

Jose  M. Martinez
a.k.a HOSER

From: Behzad Pakzad
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 5:12 PM
To: Heather (BVMJets)
Subject: Electra

Hi Patty and Heather

I completed the Electra a few weeks ago and flew it. It is fun to fly with excellent flight characteristics. It met all my expectations and I could not be any happier with it. Please thank Dustin for all his help.  


From: Lasse Palm
To: Patty
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 2:34 PM
Subject: Electra

Hi Patty!
Here is some Electra pictures from Laxå Jet meeting, in Sweden, we had this weekend.  P.S. I will send more pictures later

Lasse Palm

From: J Rodriguez
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 10:35 AM
Subject: Rodriguez pictures

Dear BVM,
   This is one of the last flights for awhile with my father and I.  I won't be able to fly that often because I am starting medical school in August.  I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy your products.

Joel Rodriguez

See more on Ultra Bandit Hotshots

From: Shani Studnik
To: Patty
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 6:47 PM
Subject: New Electra!!

Dear Bob and Patty
I took out my new Electra this afternoon to burn some amps up. It has the 5012 set up with 30C batteries. The plane flys great!! It's fast, it's slow, it's a ball to fly. With flaps down into the wind it basically hovers. Congrats on yet another job well done with this design. I look forward to many flights in the future.
Dr Shani Studnik

Another Happy Electra Pilot

    Harley Condra moved from Kalispell, Montana to the Orlando, Florida area recently and has since enjoyed flying with the BVM team.  Harley owns a lot of BVM turbine jets but saw us having so much fun with the E-Jets, he just had to have one.  His "Greenie" Electra is EVF 10s powered and works well at the R.C.A.C.F. club field.  It fits easily into the back of his Escalade and with a charger and 2 sets of ThunderPower LiPo's, Harley appreciates the simplicity of loading up just a few items for an afternoon of jet enjoyment.  This 29th day of November was 75° and sunny.  A nice departure from shoveling snow.

From: Dave Wilshere
To: Patty
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 3:39 PM
Subject: Electra flown

Dear BVM
   After a long birth my kit Electra has finally flown. I think I ordered this kit back in 2006/7 so it's taken time. Because of time the kit was assembled by good friend Les, who did an expert job on the wood parts and initial fit before returning the "ARF" to me for finishing. The model was expertly painted by Mikey who did a super light paint job, really perfect!
   The model is powered by a 4010EVF, Thunderpower 6500 10s 40c cells and controlled by JR DSX-922.4 with a RD921Rx and BVM recommended servos throughout. Radio power is through a Powerbox Sensor switch with two TP1320 Rx Li-Po's.
   First flight was on grass and second flight today at historic Chalgrove near Oxford in England. Yesterday it was calm, today 15mph winds and in both conditions the Electra grooved.
Another BVM winner
Dave Wilshere
Motors & Rotors

BVM Note:  This Electra was built from the kit version and the paint lines similar to a Bandit ARF.  Very nice work.

Accolade To Craftsmanship

   A model craftsman always respects the work of another similarly talented person.  Accepting accolades from fellow model craftsmen for your most recent piece of work is rewarding and certainly one of the reasons we work so hard towards perfection.  Tommy Wood, Jr. is one of those rare people in our hobby and his latest example is this exceptional Electra, built from a kit.  The ratio of BVM kit sales to ARF's is small, but we are pleased to be able to offer true modelers excellent products to allow them to express their art form.

   Expert craftsmanship is evident in every detail of this Electra Jet.  This capability and dedication is almost lost in the current ARF environment, so when we see this kind of perfection, we want to share it with you.  Perhaps knowing that it can still be done will inspire others.

   Tommy is also a great pilot and is enjoying his EVF5612 Electra at his club field in Mulberry, Florida.

From: Ing.Traby Enrico
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:59 PM
To: Modelers
Subject: Pictures from germany

 HI Bvm Crew !

 I have attended a german electric funfly . Me and ralf Dvorak which alread send a picture where the only BVM guys. The crowd was stunned by the speed and slow landings. The bandit performed ok with a Schuebie fan but the EVF really sounds alot nicer. According to this I added the picture of "Carmen " which is the nicname for the Electra now which a friend found for me. I have 20 flights now everything is perfect and flies just unbelievable. 


From: Kirk Sonnier
To: Chuck
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: Electra Photos
Hi Chuck,
Here are some photos of the Electra.  It was built from the kit and is finished with Flite Metal and Dupli Color Mirage paint.  The color changes from blue to red depending on the curvature of the surface and the lighting.

From: Robert Belluomini
To: Bob
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: Afterburner Event

    I attended the MS Afterburner event this past weekend and made 12 flights. It flies awesome, the only adjustment I made was a bit more expo to the elevator after the first flight. The new TP Batteries have phenomenal performance. We were dealing with a 10-15 mph crosswind, the Electra handled crosswind on landing as if it was a much larger jet. Since the batteries were new at the time, I limited my flights to five minutes. The most I discharged the packs was 4900 mAh and that was during a flight with a lot of vertical maneuvers and high speed runs. Most flights consumed under 4000 mAh. Seven minutes will be easy to achieve with confidence. I was awarded the Best Electric Jet trophy. Thanks for a great product. 'Very pleased to be flying a BVM Jet!

Bob Belluomini

Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 8:40 AM
To: Dustin
Subject: Electra T

Hi Dustin,
Here are a few pictures of the Electra T just after the maiden flight. The airplane flew great!

Wren 44 Turbine (10lbs of thrust)
All recommended JR servos
Spektrum AR9000 Receiver
JR Voltage regulator
Lipo's on ECU and Receiver

Sean Saddler

Jean-Claude with his Camo Electra and puppies.

From: Jean-Claude
Subject: Successful maiden
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009
Last year at the Ohio E. Jet event I got an Electra Camo with the Viofan 5212 and the Air-Blue retract.  Sunday, March 15 the temperature finally rose and I was able to maiden the plane with  a 12 S pack. I was a bit nervous, but I built and flew the first version last year with a TF4000.... I knew the plane would behave like a trainer. Just one click up on elevator and the rest was just a superb flight.....The Viofan is incredible with a fantastic sound and a very hidden power inside: I loved it.
THANK YOU BVM you are the BEST

From: Mark Taylor
To: Bob
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 7:56 PM
Subject: Electra

Hey Bob,

From the minute I opened the box, I was thrilled!  The finish is spectacular!  It will put a lot of painters out of business!  As usual, very nice build.  The new door mod is very well thought out. Test flight today was awesome.  2 clicks of trim was all it needed!  Very conservative flight profiles yielded 6 minute flight times and consumed only half the capacity. Now I wish I had decided to do try it earlier!  What a hoot!

Thank you and Best Regards.
Mark Taylor

Fio's Big Red
photo's by Ben Lanterman

    In this wonderful world of ARF's, it is rare to see a model built from a kit that radiates this level of craftsmanship.  Bob Fiorenze has been building and piloting jets since the very beginning of fan powered models when we had only semi kits of Skyhawks and the Scozzi fan to work with.  His dedication to the hobby earned Bob a Top Gun championship in 1990 flying a twin fan powered F-18 Hornet.

    This brilliant red Navy Aggressor scheme Electra is Bob's latest effort and another tribute to his art form.  This model can stand close inspection, as a matter of fact, the closer you examine it, the better is gets.

     Even though the wings and tails are from built-up balsa structures, there is no hint of the wood grain or underlying structure in the final automotive urethane finish.  This Electra Jet is also a billboard for how you can enhance the skin detailing with ProMark's raised panels, rivets, and sport jet nomenclature, all captured beneath the polished clear coat finish.

    Even though it is a very special model, Bob flies it in an aggressive routine that shows off the Electra/EVF performance capability.

    You can see this model and many other samples of the BVM electric jets at several jet events around the country, or if visiting Orlando, Florida you might even catch us at the RCACF club field.

    Winter time is our flying season, so, if you are going to be in Orlando, give us a call.  We don't fly on que, but if we are going to the field anyway, you can catch the EVF's in action.

Skin Details
click on images to enlarge
   ProMark's raised panels simulate a fueling cap, a vent, and an access hatch.  These panels comes as a sheet of computer cut samplings.  You first scuff the chrome finish, peel and stick, paint over, then partially scuff away the paint and add chalk streaks.
   The intake warning and rescue nomenclature are ProMark epoxy ink transfers that are easy to apply.  A clear coat is not needed but can add to their durability.
   Shown here is another fueling cap, ejection seat danger shield, a BVM NACA Cooling Vent, and a cockpit deck that comes with your Electra kit.
   The lettering and Stars/Bars are painted on using ProMark "paint through" vinyl stick-on masks.
   Bob accomplished the tailpipe nozzle with an air brush using silver and black tints.  The rivets and panel lines were applied with a "Sharpie" ink pen.  The clear coat must be applied in two stages to avoid running/blurring of the ink.  Apply a thin dry coat first, allow to cure, then a smooth wet coat.
   The wing leading edges are trimmed with chrome stick-on Monokote.  The chalk weathering simulates dirt and grease emerging from an Aileron hinge.

Scale modelers like Fio, learned these techniques from years of experience as a scale competition flyer.

Applying them to a sport jet definitely sets it apart from the others at a jet event.


To: Bob
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:37 PM
Subject: Electra

Hi Bob

This is the Electra I built in five days from start to finish along with Rob Rich.  The airplane now has 7 flights on it. Rob and I are doing a little formation flying with them and enjoying these fun and simple models.


From: Matt West
To: Bob
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 12:47 PM
Subject: Electra Maiden Flight

Dear Bob & Crew
I just wanted to drop you a line and a few pictures of the Electra's maiden voyage this weekend in Fresno. BVM's field rep Mark Taylor was there for the event and was most helpful throughout the build and first flight.  The Electra was a joy to build and even more fun to fly in the 101 degree heat this weekend. Not one click of trim was needed during the first flight and all my fears of landing without brakes evaporated in the heat when I found how slow and steady it would fly on approach. Thanks for a great product and support. I look forward to seeing you at Fresno Jets this summer!

Matt West

Editors Note: Mark created some fabulous tail art that enhances the Diamond Back scheme.

From: Al's Hobbies Jet Centre
To: Bob 
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 3:17 PM

 Hi Bob 

 I thought I would send you a photo of my new Electra ARF. I have been flying this for a few weeks now, and really enjoying it. Our display season is just starting here in the UK and I am hearing more and more people comment that they just can not believe such performance is possible from a large EDF.  For me, I just love how smooth and pure the model is. The rolling maneuvers are great with such little coupling on the rudder. It's also really positive on elevator, and with first stage flaps the tight loops are great fun. 

Ali Machinchy,
Al's Hobbies
Managing Director


When Terry Nitsch prepares a model for the Toledo Trade Show, it usually wins.  This year Terry's Electra garnered first place in the "Best Finish" category and 2nd place in the overall jet competition.  The airbrushed "Miss Electra" certainly compliments the sleek airframe.

Terry say's this is his best effort yet.  It is powered with an EVF 6416.  You will see it on the jet circuit soon.

Pat Martin from Wasilla, Alaska is now an enthusiastic Electra Jet builder/pilot.  It is very rewarding to BVM to see an electric and helicopter modeler make the transition to electric jets.  Living in Alaska makes building and painting models an important part of the hobby and when spring breaks - Wow! to be able to fly your model against such a picturesque background. 

As you can see, Pat did an excellent job on the Electric Jet Kit.

He is now looking forward to a BVM F-80 for EVF power, available mid 2008.

Fio says: “Reliability………# 1 in my book”.

After a few flights I typically perform preventive maintenance on the airframe and all components. I have been flying jets for many years and occasionally I find a few things wrong that need either adjustment, tightening or repair. But after flying the Electra Jet for over a year and 75 flights, I have not had to repair or replace a single component. Now that’s what I call "Reliability".

Here's two fabulous looking Electra Jets built by Kirk Jensen. Very unique, very visible. Kirk and Mike are enjoying the ease and convenience of EVF flying.


These Electra's are identical air frames except for the fin shape and paint scheme, but offer quite a different appeal.



John Banner is very pleased with his "Best Craftsmanship" winning Electra at FIJR '07.  The first flights were very successful and required no trim.

Power is a BVM EVF 4010. Both Thunder Power and Flight Power Saddle Cells are used in the "Green Machine".



Bob Fiorenze has been campaigning this "Fly Navy" Electra Jet since early '07.  Dozens of flights have been logged, the latest with Flight Power's EVO 30c 6400 mah 2p Saddle Cells.

Bob is all smiles about the performance and 6 1/2 minutes flight times.

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